
A Look at the Kinematic Sequence and Power Development for Pitchers

A Look at the Kinematic Sequence and Power Development for Pitchers

If you’re a pitcher and lack lower body power or repeatability with your mechanics it’s going to be a difficult road for you as you work to advance your career. When it comes to successful pitchers you really want to see three things:

1. The ability to create maximum power with minimum effort

2. Repeatable Mechanics

3. Knowing where the ball is going

5 Exercises to Improve Your Acceleration

5 Exercises to Improve Your Acceleration

When it comes to excelling in a field sport your ability to rapidly accelerate can be what separates you from the competition. Being able to go from 0-60 mph, or in more applicable terms, going from a stand still to moving 10 yards down the field to get to the ball; or running out of the box to first base faster will greatly improve your level of play and impact in games.

3 Ways to Improve Your Box Jump Technique

3 Ways to Improve Your Box Jump Technique

Box jumps are a great way to train lower body power. Even though there is an extensive number of variations of this exercise it is usually seen early in an exercise program because it can easily be regressed, and teaches good landing mechanics and force absorption. Both of which will keep you healthy while on the field or in the gym.

Unfortunately, many of us are not able to achieve all of the benefits of the box jump because of a lack of proper technique. Often times this is due to three reasons:

What Should You Do If Your Hip Pinches When You Squat?

What Should You Do If Your Hip Pinches When You Squat?

If you’ve ever felt a “pinch” in your hip in the bottom of your squat, or have worked with a client who complains of this symptom, this article will help educate you on why this may be happening and teach you what you can do to keep your hips healthy and ultimately avoid this painful pinching.